Make a Tax Payment Online

You may make an Evendale Income Tax payment using a credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover).  At this time, there is no fee to you for paying by credit card.  You may pay a balance due, make an estimated tax payment or make an extension payment. 

In addition to your credit card information, you will need to provide the following Evendale Individual Income Tax Account information in order to complete the credit card transaction:

local_id_number      xxxxx   (Enter the unique 5-digit Evendale Income Tax Department Local ID# assigned to your account)

account_type                  1   (1=Individual tax account)

tax_year                    20xx   (Enter the 4 digit tax year for which the tax payment is being remitted)

The payment will be processed by our third-party credit card processor, TranSafe.  To make a payment click here.